Getting Your Hair Prepped For The Holiday Season

Getting Your Hair Prepped For The Holiday Season

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way….Ahh the holidays are here and in full effect. The Christmas Music has taken over the radio, and the shopping sales are popping up everywhere. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and so on. The time of year where you are so busy squeezing in shopping wherever you can. No matter how busy you are, make sure you are taking time for YOU during all of this hustle and bustle. In this journal, we are giving you the low down, on Getting Your Hair Prepped For The Holiday Season. So, keep reading for this Holiday Hair Checklist. Secure A Reservation At Your Salon The first step for Getting Your Hair Prepped For The Holiday Season is making a reservation at your salon. Be sure to do this right away. Most reputable hairdresser’s books fill up months before the holidays approach. This is a great time to get that trim or haircut you have been putting off for months. Been thinking of a nice color change? Now is a great time to try something new. Just in time for the New Year. Perhaps a gloss or shine service would be a great idea to add some sparkle to your locks. No matter what you choose, it will leave your hair feeling refreshed and ready for the Holidays. Condition Your Hair The next step for getting your hair prepped for the holiday season, is giving yourself an at-home conditioning treatment. Are you already doing regular treatments on your hair at home? Great work if so. If not, then this is a great time to start. We recommend our Iles Formula 3 Part System. Instant results after 1 use for beautiful spun silk hair. Have a peek at this video to learn more about our formula’s and steps for best results. Accessorize Finally, on the day you will be getting ready, accessories are a really great option for easy styling during the holiday season. Sometimes a simple hair accessory can make a big statement. It can also eliminate a large amount of your getting ready time. A simple ponytail with a perfectly situated accessory will take less than 10 minutes to create. So, if time is an issue, you can still look chic without spending hours. Check out some of these accessories we are loving right now for inspiration. Use one, or layer a few for an even bolder statement. The choice is yours. In conclusion, these simple steps will be a life saver for Getting Your Hair Prepped For The Holiday Season. Make sure your cut and color is done a few weeks out, do an at home treatment a week prior, and day of, utilize your accessories for easy options.Are there other ways you like to prep your hair for the holidays? If so, share them with us in the comments below. We love your social media love, so don’t forget to tag us @ilesformula_hair and #ilesformula.Photo Sources: PinterestCredits: Unknown

Source by andain1006


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